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Menstruality mentor + coach, ​occupational therapist and ​yoga nidra facilitator.

I am a passionate sharer of ​spaces in which people can ​restore their innate rhythmic c​ycles and deeply ​rest.



Yo​ga Nidra



Menstruality encompasses the ​whole arc from first bleed ​(menarche) to menopause. Get to ​know your own unique rhythm and ​pace by learning to track your ​cycle - way beyond what you can ​get from using an app. Working ​with me, you’ll have access to the ​powerful teachings of Red School ​and my own years of living ​cyclically. Get to know your ‘hot ​spots’ and vulnerabilities ​throughout the month, and in turn, ​consciously prepare for ​menopause. Let’s deep dive ​together and I promise you will ​find treasure and never look back! ​I offer 1:1 coaching which ​includes mentoring and ​experience of the menstruality ​medicine circle - a powerful ​somatic, guided visualisation to ​access your intuition and unique ​cycle wi​sdom.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a practice of ​horizontal deep meditative rest. ​It is where healing takes place, ​creativity emerges, and most of ​all, it’s one of the sweetest,​ most loving thing you can d​o for yourself in this busy and​ wild world we live in. All th​at is required is for you to lie ​down, get super comfortable​, and absolutely nothing ​else.

I am a certified Daring to​ Rest facilitator and am inspire​d and influenced by the teaching​s and practices of Uma Dinsmore​-Tuli and Total Yoga Nidra. I ​offer Yoga Nidra in groups and​ 1:1.

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I love sharing the wisdom of the ​menstrual cycle and know the ​power of sitting in circle. My ​workshops range from a ‘toe-dip’ ​into the menstrual cycle to a ​deeper dive below the surface ​teachings. All are a rich mix of ​learning and sharing, weaving in ​visualisations and embodiment ​practices. People leave these ​sessions feeling seen, heard, ​inspired and motivated to ​continue to connect with their ​cycles and live their own sweet ​rhythms. My Rest Circles are an ​opportunity to drop into deep ​rest as well as being an ​invitation to connect with others ​on a chosen shared theme. ​Creating and holding a soft, cosy ​and safe space is one of my best ​life skills and I look forward to ​sharing it with you. Keep an eye ​on my Instagram for news of ​upcoming events.


I am a passionate, tenacious, playful and highly sensitive empath. Aside from my ​professional training and qualifications, my work is influenced and shaped by my ​personal experience of recovery. I am drawn to the liminal spaces and the ​transitions; I feel deeply rooted in cycles and spirals and my work is profoundly ​motivated by these experiences. I am inspired by somatics, embodiment, restorative ​yoga, energy work, sharing circles, deep listening, creativity, rest and decades of ​co-creating with people in their daily lives as an occupational therapist.

Whether 1:1 or in a group, my approach is trauma-informed, neurodiversity-​informed, humorous, gentle, nurturing, spacious and rooted in curiosity and care. ​I love conversations which go deep and I hold supportive space for ​transformations, revelations and realisations about your beautiful cyclical self.

My in-person workshops and circles take place in Bath, Leeds and the surrounding ​areas, and my 1:1 sessions take place online.


“Annie is a rare soul, with ​whom I feel able to be really ​honest. I know it sounds like ​a cliche, but I do feel really ​able to 'show myself' with ​Annie, and that I won't be ​judged. Her integrity and ​knowledge is also second to ​none, and she is deeply ​passionate. So it is always ​utterly wonderful to be in her ​company. I couldn't ​recommend Annie to anyone ​more.”

Gillian, Yoga Teacher

“The workshop was absolutely ​gorgeous. I thoroughly ​recommend it for anyone who ​didn’t make it this time. ​Beautiful, life-changing ​work. So many ​synchronicities on the day, ​which is testament to the ​energy healing power in the ​room. Thank you Annie. And I ​got the advice I needed!”

Lourdes, ‘Explore Your ​Cycle’ workshop participant

“I felt very empowered and ​eager to learn more after you ​made me notice how much of ​my day to day is affected by ​a period even without ​bleeding! I’m now conscious ​of my cycle and am trying to ​recognise patterns.”

— Anonymous

‘Annie is a beautiful and ​elegant speaker. We warmed ​to her instantly and the pace ​and content chosen was ​utterly perfect. There were ​multiple a-ha moments for ​all of us, huge engagement ​throughout and amazing ​gratitude by the end. We all ​felt like we’d been given a ​gift that should have been ​ours a long time ago.”

Jessica, NLP Master ​Trainer, Breakthrough Coach ​& Motivational Speaker

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Please do get in touch with any questions - I love hearing from you.

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